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Pound Hill

Three Bridges

Forge Wood

Scruffs & Fluffs - Black background

Call Beverley on:      07969 799516

07969 799516


Dog Walking


Your dog will be walked as a group of no more than six dogs. Our walks will be fun and varied - a little play time and socialising, a bit of sniffing here and there and a good walk around a park or woodland area to let off their surplus energy. Wet dogs will be towel dried on their return and water bowls will be checked.


£10.00 (Mon to Fri) per walk including pick up and drop off*

£12.00 (Weekends and Bank Holidays) per walk including pick up and drop off*

*Add £5.00 per walk for additional dogs in the same household


It is expected for the client ensure that your dogs are in good health and are up-to-date with all vaccinations (including kennel cough immunisation).

Doggy Day Care


Your dog will be able to spend time with me and my dog. Socialising and playing with the other dogs I walk throughout the day.


*  Please contact Beverley at Scruffs and Fluffs to discuss times and prices.





Puppy Visits


Puppies will be let out in the back garden to relieve themselves. Strokes and lots of cuddles will be provided. Water bowls will be checked.


£10.00 (Mon to Fri) per visit*

£12.00 (Weekends and Bank Holidays) per visit*


*Times and other services required during visit to be discussed




Cat and Small Pet Care Visits


Let your cat or little friend stay in the comfort of their own home whilst you are away. Visits will include feeding, fresh water replenishment and emptying litter trays or cleaning out cages.....and cuddles for those who like them.


Daily visits

£7.50 (Mon to Fri) per visit per pet*

£10.00 (Weekends and Bank Holidays) per visit per pet*


* For extra pets please contact me to discuss



                                                                                                                                    (Prices are subject to change)

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Copyright 2022 Scruffs and Fluffs
Animal Boarding License Holder  18/06004/ANIMA issued by Crawley Borough Council Expiry 31/03/2022
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